Monday, January 07, 2008

Tough days for Karamanlis on the eve of Ankara visit - Turkish Daily News Jan 07, 2008

"Tough days for Karamanlis on the eve of Ankara visit
Monday, January 7, 2008


The day that the fisherman Kyr Yiannis left his village near the port of Kalloni in Mytilene to move to Athens, was his worst. When the fish, especially the famous sardines from his own area, Kalloni, reckoned to be the best in the world, became scarce in the mid-80s, like many of his fellow islanders he had to leave fishing that he learned from his father to look for other means of livelihood in Athens. As he was still fit in his 40s he chose to become a digger in the marble quarries of Penteli Mountain near Athens. "

More:Tough days for Karamanlis on the eve of Ankara visit - Turkish Daily News Jan 07, 2008