Thursday, January 03, 2008

(Mis)understanding of secularism among higher education students in Turkey - Turkish Daily News Jan 03, 2008

"(Mis)understanding of secularism among higher education students in Turkey
Thursday, January 3, 2008

Fatma Nevra SEGGIE

What is Turkish secularism? What do people understand as Turkish secularism? It appears there is some confusion among higher education students regarding what Turkish secularism means. Does Turkish secularism mean strict official neutrality of the state in religious affairs like French secularism? Does it mean religious freedom like secularism in the United States? Or something else? Research suggests Turkish youths are confused about the definition of Turkish secularism even though secularism is taught in schools and universities in Turkey. "

More:(Mis)understanding of secularism among higher education students in Turkey - Turkish Daily News Jan 03, 2008