Monday, January 07, 2008

Euro2day :: Bidders line up for Turkish store chain

"Bidders line up for Turkish store chain

By Martin Arnold and Lina Saigol in London
Published: 6/1/2008 | Last Updated: 6/1/2008 20:45 London Time

Migros Turk, the biggest supermarket group in Turkey, is this week set to receive takeover bids worth about $4bn from Carrefour of France, Agrokor of Croatia and four private equity firms.

Turkey's Koc group is selling a 51 per cent stake in Migros in what would be one of the biggest acquisitions of a listed Turkish company. The sale will also provide a test of whether private equity can still compete with trade buyers in the wake of the credit squeeze."

More:Euro2day :: Bidders line up for Turkish store chain