Sunday, December 23, 2007

The scarf scrap

"The scarf scrap
23 Dec 2007, 0113 hrs IST,Mohammed Wajihuddin,TNN

Millions of Muslims from across the world circled the Kaba in Mecca last week in the footsteps of an ancient ritual. As the swarming white army of pilgrims closed around the clean-cut black stone, they declared aloud: “ Labaik , Allah-huma-Labaik (Here, God, I am here)!”

Hundreds of miles away, near the Sufi poet Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi’s tomb in Konya (Turkey), singer Ahmed Ozhan took the 2000-strong crowd on a virtual pilgrimage. Swinging to Ozhan’s high-pitched devotional dirge, and accompanied by the plaintive sound of reed flutes, the audience repeatedly chanted “Labaik” a dozen times.

More:The scarf scrap-Review-Sunday Specials-Opinion-The Times of India