Saturday, December 22, 2007

American Chronicle: Turkey, Kurds, Anglo-French Freemasonry, Islam, and Orientalism

"Turkey, Kurds, Anglo-French Freemasonry, Islam, and Orientalism

Dr. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis
December 22, 2007

In an earlier article, entitled ‘Turkey, Kurds, France and Freemasonic Eschatology’, we described the so-called ‘Kurdish’ issue as an instrument of the Anglo-French colonialism geared against Turkey (as successor of the Ottoman Empire), and against a multitude of indigenous peoples, who are not Kurds but are depicted as such in order to serve the monstrous goals of the Apostate Freemasonic Lodge that controls the Anglo-French establishments, using them for its eschatological purposes. "

More:American Chronicle: Turkey, Kurds, Anglo-French Freemasonry, Islam, and Orientalism