Monday, November 26, 2007

Turkey’s Foreign Affairs Blitz « The Van Der Galiën Gazette

"Turkey’s Foreign Affairs Blitz

November 26, 2007 by blastingcloud

While of minor importance to most Turks in comparison to their national football team’s efficient victory over a weak Bosnia-Herzegovina side and the team’s resulting accession to the Euro 2008 tournament, this past week also featured the Turkish government culminating an impressive flurry of foreign affairs activity. Although the Turkish national team has little chance under its coach, Fatih Terim, whose arrogance shadows his remarkable flair for dramatic dress-shirt and jacket collars, the government’s latest efforts will surely give Milli Takfans something to talk about beyond their team’s early exit from the European football championship tournament this summer."

More:Turkey’s Foreign Affairs Blitz « The Van Der Galiën Gazette