Sunday, November 04, 2007

Open Letter on the Armenian “Genocide” Debate « The Van Der Galiën Gazette

"Open Letter on the Armenian “Genocide” Debate Nov 3rd, 2007 by Jason Steck One of the things we try hard to maintain on the Gazette is an environment where disagreement is encouraged while maintaining some civility. This is admittedly a precarious balancing act at times, as it requires us to draw some subjective lines about when someone who is disagreeing with one of us has crossed the line. On the one hand, we may be prone to see those violations more easily than others, leading to a tendency towards oversensitivity. On the other hand, we can’t allow the fact that we are the authors to become license for some others to run roughshod over us, with potential personal and professional consequences on top of it."

More:Open Letter on the Armenian “Genocide” Debate « The Van Der Galiën Gazette