"Showdown for Ataturk's republic
By Slater Bakhtavar web posted November 19, 2007
'A nation which makes the final sacrifice for life and freedom does not get beaten. ' Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, founder of the Republic of Turkey. In early October, members of the separatist Kurdish Workers' Party ('PKK') stationed in northern Iraq, instigated a clandestine military attack, which led to twelve casualties. This attack is a minuscule part of a spate of intensified attacks by the Kurdish Workers' Party. The Kurdish' Workers' Party, whose agenda includes the autonomy of Turkey's southeast region and an end to Turkish assimilation, have infiltrated segments of northern Iraq and Turkey. Keen to ferocious tactical which include, but are not relegated to kidnappings, beheadings, tactical bombing, and pillaging. This month alone, the Kurds have racked up a body count of 42 Turks and kidnapped eight others. In just twenty years, the organization, which is designated a 'terrorist organization' by the United States and Europe, has murdered over 30,000 people."
MoreŞESR | November 19, 2007 | Showdown for Ataturk's republic