Saturday, October 27, 2007

A very complex picture - Turkish Daily News Oct 27, 2007

"A very complex picture Saturday, October 27, 2007


It is extremely difficult to evaluate what happened after the PKK slipped into Turkey and attacked Dağlica/Hakkari. We do not even know if this attack and its consequences were ever studied in detail. Still, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said that untrained soldiers with just four months training had been sent to fight on unfamiliar terrain, whereas expert soldiers were indispensable to success. He added that they would now start new applications in the fight against terror. As I write these lines, we've still been unable to obtain much information about the alleged air and land operations, which have been going on for five-six days, as also confirmed by the government spokesman. We hear from northern Iraq that some villages were partially vacated given the danger of shelling. "

More:A very complex picture - Turkish Daily News Oct 27, 2007