Thursday, September 27, 2007

Turkish-American relations – Time for reckoning - Turkish Daily News Sep 27, 2007

"Turkish-American relations – Time for reckoning Thursday, September 27, 2007


Ambassador R. Nicholas Burns, Under Secretary for Political Affairs, delineated the U.S. administration's perspective on Turkish-American relations in a recent policy speech at the Atlantic Council. Shortly afterwards, he paid an official visit to Ankara and spoke along the same lines he had earlier drawn in Washington.Ambassador Burns expresses praise for Turkish democracy and respect for the leadership of President Abdullah Gül and Prime Minister Tayyip Erdoğan, along with the anticipation of working closely with them in the period ahead. He refers to the need of “restoring a sense of strategic partnership to the broad range of U.S.-Turkish relations” and of “rejuvenating” the relationship. "

More:Turkish-American relations – Time for reckoning - Turkish Daily News Sep 27, 2007