Friday, September 28, 2007

How to sound Turkish - Turkish Daily News Sep 28, 2007

"How to sound Turkish Friday, September 28, 2007

If you have always wondered what the trick is to sounding 100 percent Turkish without using long difficult sentences or even just cursing through adding suffixes, this list should help. (While in other countries people get lost mid sentence, Turkish language learners have found that they get lost mid word). Below are some expressions, which you can use at your own discretion and risk. Be sure they will wow and impress Turkish friends, your landlord, the bakkal, taxi drivers. But if they know you don't really speak Turkish and are just pretending, be prepared for chuckles. If nothing else they will be flattered you are trying to tap into the nuances of their language."

More:How to sound Turkish - Turkish Daily News Sep 28, 2007