Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Finally, a home and no fear

"Finally, a home and no fear BY ALISON HOLLENBECK, STAFF WRITER 09/04/2007

The animals knew something was coming.

The cows lowed miserably. The dogs howled. A few days later, everyone in Sapiya Sayfullayeva's village was deported.

It was 1944. She was 20.

More than 60 years later, Sapiya still cries when she remembers the day she and her people were scattered like leaves in the wind.

Sapiya and her family are among 130 Meskhetian Turk refugees who have settled in Scranton since December 2004. They have found jobs, homes and clothing through a refugee resettlement program offered by Catholic Social Services."

More:The Times-Tribune - Finally, a home and no fear