Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Turkey is sliding toward a crossroads - Turkish Daily News Aug 01, 2007

"Turkey is sliding toward a crossroads
Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Mehmet Ali Birand

The aftershocks of the Justice and development Party's (AKP) success in the elections continue. We slowly understand the situation. And the AKP-members slowly digest the circumstances. What these results can change is better understood as days go by. The debates and the pressures before the elections, as well as the developments following them, signal that profound changes will take place in Turkey in the upcoming days. And the most important juncture will take place about the Constitution. Who will run Turkey and under what conditions will be discussed. The system will be fine-tuned. It is not known whether this fine-tuning will involve bloodshed or not. "

More:Turkey is sliding toward a crossroads - Turkish Daily News Aug 01, 2007