Tuesday, August 28, 2007

EuroNewsEuroNews : All eyes on Turkish first lady in headscarf debate

"All eyes on Turkish first lady in headscarf debate

In the run-up to the Turkish presidency election nothing inflamed passions quite as much as the debate over a simple item of clothing. Foreign Minister Abdullah Gül's wife has been a high profile campaigner for a woman's right to wear the hijab, the Islamic headscarf. Hayrunnisa Gül will become Turkey's first first lady to wear the hijab since 1925. The prospect has caused a storm between those who see the scarf as a symbol of political Islam and others who view it as an order from God. 'The inside of Abdullah Gul's head is covered,' said one woman in a Turkish street. 'I'm not bothered that his wife covers her head. But imagine a reception everyone's dressed in the modern way and...well I wouldn't be happy to see her dressed like a Saudi woman.'"

More:EuroNewsEuroNews : All eyes on Turkish first lady in headscarf debate