"Conservative Globalists versus Defensive Nationalists in Turkey Ziya Öniş, Koç University 'Conservative Globalists versus Defensive Nationalists: Political Parties and Paradoxes of Europeanization in Turkey', Journal of Southern Europe and the Balkans, Vol.9, No.3 (2007) . (First Draft-November 2006) Introduction The period since the December 1999 Helsinki Decision has been a period of remarkable economic and political change for Turkey. The impact of the EU was already evident in the context of the 1990s in the process of integration involving the Customs Union Agreement. The Customs Union Agreement which came into effect at the end of 1995 exerted a significant impact in terms of initiating a set of important economic and political reforms."
More:Düşünce Kahvesi: Conservative Globalists versus Defensive Nationalists in Turkey