Thursday, August 30, 2007

Comment is free: Turkey's about turn

"Turkey's about turn The election of Abdullah Gül is proof that the Turkish military's old ways of doing business are no longer reliable or effective.

Two days into his presidency, Europe seems willing to give Abdullah Gül a chance. His distracted detractors continue to remind us that he is a devout Muslim, he worked in the Saudi banking sector for a few years, belongs to a party that once described democracy as a train leading to an Islamist state, and has a wife who wears a headscarf. But during his years as Turkey's foreign minister, he has won the trust and respect of Europe's diplomatic community. Over the past five years he has worked tirelessly to push forward the EU reform agenda, and one of his first acts as president was to call for this programme (which slowed during the tumultuous run-up to July's general election) to be pursued with renewed vigour."

More:Comment is free: Turkey's about turn