Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Call by Peres softens ADL's stance on Armenian genocide - Turkish Daily News Aug 25, 2007

"Call by Peres softens ADL's stance on Armenian genocide Saturday, August 25, 2007

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) Friday called on Armenia to accept a Turkish proposal to establish a joint commission to study the 1915-1916 incidents, in a move to balance their recent decision on the recognition of Armenian genocide after pressure from Israel. “We must encourage steps to create an atmosphere in which Armenia will respond favorably to the several recent overtures of Turkey to convene a joint commission to assist the parties in achieving a resolution of their profound differences,” said the ADL, in a written statement issued by Glen S. Lewy, the ADL's national chair and Abraham H. Foxman, the ADL's national director."

More:Call by Peres softens ADL's stance on Armenian genocide - Turkish Daily News Aug 25, 2007