Monday, July 02, 2007

Turkey's elections, EU membership and the Palestinian crisis - Turkish Daily News Jul 02, 2007

"Turkey's elections, EU membership and the Palestinian crisis
Monday, July 2, 2007


What do Turkey's upcoming elections and its bid for membership in the European Union have to do with the Palestinian crisis? It is widely accepted that the upcoming July general elections is centered on Turkey's religious/secular debate (with an extension to the presidential elections) and it will set the course of Turkish internal politics well into the next decade. Furthermore, the developments in Iraq including the Kurdish issue, Iran, extremist Islamists, atomic bombs) and the eastern Mediterranean issues (Cyprus-Greece-EU) will interact with election issues. The results of the elections will clarify the nature and direction of Turkey's relations with the United States, Israel, the Muslim world and EU. There is no doubt that the 2007 general election will determine what kind of country Turkey will become in the years ahead. "

More:Turkey's elections, EU membership and the Palestinian crisis - Turkish Daily News Jul 02, 2007