Sunday, July 29, 2007

Turkey set to defy US and hunt Kurdish rebels - Telegraph

"Turkey set to defy US and hunt Kurdish rebels

By Gethin Chamberlain, Sunday Telegraph
Last Updated: 12:43am BST 29/07/2007

Turkey's newly elected government is prepared to turn its back on its long-standing alliance with the United States to counter the threat of Kurdish terrorism, one of the closest allies of the prime minister has warned.

Egemen Bagis: Turkey set to defy US and hunt Kurdish rebels
Egemen Bagis said the US must appreciate that Turkey was prepared to go into Iraq

Egemen Bagis, foreign policy advisor to Recep Tayyip Erdogan, said Turkish forces were prepared to mount operations against Kurdish PKK fighters who had taken refuge in Iraq, because the US had failed to intervene."

More:Turkey set to defy US and hunt Kurdish rebels - Telegraph