Tuesday, July 03, 2007

GE Energy's 2.5xl Wind Turbine Technology Selected for Largest Wind Project in Turkey

"GE Energy’s 2.5xl Wind Turbine Technology
Selected for Largest Wind Project in Turkey

ATLANTA--(BUSINESS WIRE)--A new, 130-megawatt wind power project in southeastern Turkey will be the world’s largest installation of GE Energy’s latest 2.5xl wind turbine technology and will more than double the country’s installed wind capacity.

GE will provide 52 of the 2.5xl machines to Zorlu Enerji Elektrik Üretim A.S. for the wind park in Bahce, about 40 kilometers from Osmaniye province. This will be the largest wind power project to date in Turkey. The project’s estimated annual electricity production of 500 million kilowatt-hours will be purchased by independent power consumers."

More:GE Energy's 2.5xl Wind Turbine Technology Selected for Largest Wind Project in Turkey