Tuesday, July 31, 2007

A chance to join a crucial EU debate

"A chance to join a crucial EU debate

By Costas Iordanidis

The fact that meetings between European Union leaders have become something of a daily occurence does not diminish the significance of Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis’s talks in Paris yesterday with President Nicolas Sarkozy. Particularly when bearing in mind that many Europeans are looking to the French leader to help extricate the Union from its present inertia and internal crisis. The relationship between the Greek government and that of former French President Jacques Chirac (as well as former Premier Dominique de Villepin) went through a difficult period when Paris – against the background of its clash with former British Prime Minister Tony Blair – exploited the Cyprus problem to create obstacles to Ankara’s bid to join the EU. One must not forget that Chirac had originally given his wholehearted backing to Turkey’s bid to join the EU."

More:ekathimerini.com | A chance to join a crucial EU debate