Monday, April 16, 2007

Hürriyet - Mehmet Y. Yilmaz: What the Saturday rally in Ankara really meant

"Mehmet Y. Yilmaz: What the Saturday rally in Ankara really meant

The Saturday rally in Ankara was a democratic reply to those who want to turn the presidential elections into a kind of parliamentary coup. It was an example of how 'representative democracy' cannot be limited simply to a show of fingers in the parliament. There was one real meaning to this rally: An important faction of people in Turkey are opposed to the election of Recep Tayyip Erdogan in an 'it's over and done' style by the Turkish Parliament. What was shown on Saturday is that this would not be accepted. "

More:Hürriyet - Mehmet Y. Yilmaz: What the Saturday rally in Ankara really meant