Saturday, April 07, 2007

The concept of minority and its application in Turkey - Friday 6 April 2007

"The concept of minority and its application in Turkey
Baskın Oran
Friday 6 April 2007 - 07:30
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Today, the concept of minority is defined as follows: Relatively small group of citizens that has different characteristics from the rest of the nation and that considers them the sine qua non of its identity. Relying on the Lausanne Peace Treaty of 1923 Turkey recognized as minority its non-Moslem citizens only. Today (2003) not only it persists in this attitude but it narrows it further by citing its Constitution. Although, especially as a result of international developments after 1990, the recognition of human and minority rights has both expanded geographically and become rather substantial in quality, the “interpretative Statement” often appended to Turkey’s international conventions on human rights reads: “The Republic of Turkey reserves the right to implement the xxx article of this agreement in accordance with the relevant articles of the Turkish Constitution and in accordance with relevant articles and procedures of the Lausanne Peace Treaty and its annexes of 23 July 1923”."

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