Thursday, January 25, 2007

Turkey's poorest corner | The plight of the Kurds |

"Turkey's poorest corner
The plight of the Kurds

Jan 25th 2007 | HAKKARI
From The Economist print edition
Too many promises have been broken by the politicians

ON AN icy road snaking through the mountains that separate Turkey from Iran and Iraq, a military convoy rumbles along. Ragged children stand barefoot in the snow, waving at the conscripts as they peer through misted windows. They are headed towards Hakkari, the poorest corner of Turkey's predominantly Kurdish south-east and a launching pad for military operations against separatist PKK rebels in Kurdish-controlled northern Iraq. Decades of neglect and brutal repression have made the province synonymous with all that ails Turkey's 14m Kurds."

More:Turkey's poorest corner | The plight of the Kurds |