Monday, December 25, 2006

Secularism stressed once more on Kubilay anniversary

Secularism stressed once more on Kubilay anniversary
Monday, December 25, 2006

Serdar Alyamaç

İZMİR - Turkish Daily News

The importance of secularism in Turkey was stressed by the country's staunchly secular institutions on the 76th anniversary of the death of Lt. Mustafa Fehmi Kubilay, who was murdered by bigoted Islamic fanatics in Izmir's Menemen district during riots against Turkey's secular structure in 1930.

On the anniversary, observed every year in Menemen to keep alive the feeling of firm secularism in Turkey, a crowd marched to Yıldıztepe, where Kubilay was killed. After a ceremony, thousands attended a meeting called “From Menemen to Çankaya: Secular Republic,” shouting slogans like “Çankaya is closed to Shariah” and “Çankaya is secular and will remain secular.”
