Thursday, December 28, 2006

The New Anatolian - Minimum wage much lower than that in EU countries

"Minimum wage much lower than that in EU countries

28 December 2006

The minimum wage worth gross Euro 310.92 to be valid as of January 1, 2007, takes place among the lowest minimum wages in the European countries.
The gross minimum wage for older than 16 will be gross YTL 562.50 and net YTL 403.03 as of January 1, 2007. These figures are much lower than the European standards. According to the data of the European Employers’ Federation, the minimum wage which is determined as Euro 310.92 in Turkey, is Euro 1.503 in Luxembourg, Euro 1.293 in Ireland, Euro 1.273 in the Netherlands, Euro 1.269 in Britain, Euro 1.234 in Belgium and Euro 1.218 in France."

More:The New Anatolian - Minimum wage much lower than that in EU countries