"Seeing poor and uneducated Turkish people, Europeans think all Turks are the same
OMV President Ruttenstorfer said: 'Turkish people who work in Austria are not like Turkish people living in Turkey. This is causing prejudice against Turkey.'
The Austrian Oil Company OMV's President Wolfgang Ruttenstorfer said that the European Union is always finding blind excuses to impede Turkey's membership. Stating that conservative people in the EU do not want any non-Christian country to join, Wolfgang Ruttenstorfer said: "Turkish people who work in Austria and Germany are nothing like Turkish people in Turkey. When my wife visited Turkey for the first time, she absolutely loved Turkish people. She said 'I didn't know Turkish people are well educated and sophisticated.' Europeans see poor and uneducated Turks in Europe and they think all Turks are like that. You have to break this prejudice.""
SABAH Newspaper English Edition - Economy - Seeing poor and uneducated Turkish people, Europeans think all Turks are the same