Friday, October 20, 2006

An 'innovative' open letter to a French presidential candidate - Turkish Daily News Oct 20, 2006

"An 'innovative' open letter to a French presidential candidate
Friday, October 20, 2006

This letter is to salute your courageous and visionary call last Thursday for expenditures by European Union governments in the areas of research and development and in innovation to be exempt from the budgetary constraints of the Growth and Stability Pact, the so-called 'Maastricht Criteria.' Your 'blueprint' outlined last week touched on many important areas, from labor standards to agriculture. It is consequently my hope that the breadth of your vision and blueprint does not lead to neglect by the media and others of the specific incentives to boost intelligent spending on R&D and innovation. For yours is without question the most original idea I have heard in recent years to revitalize Europe’s technology-based industries and prepare them for a future in which they can compete without resorting to 'flight' to the United States or 'outsourcing' to low-cost China and India. In short, this dimension of your set of proposals deserves a thorough airing. "

More:An 'innovative' open letter to a French presidential candidate - Turkish Daily News Oct 20, 2006