Thursday, October 19, 2006

AEI - Short Publications-Mr. Erdogan's Turkey

"Mr. Erdogan's Turkey

By Michael Rubin
Posted: Thursday, October 19, 2006
Wall Street Journal
Publication Date: October 19, 2006

Five years into the war on terror, inept U.S. diplomacy risks undercutting a key democracy (and ally) that President Bush once called a model for the Muslim world. The future of Turkey as a secular, Western-oriented state is at risk. Just as in Gaza and Lebanon, the threat comes from parties using the rhetoric of democracy to advance distinctly undemocratic agendas. Turkey has overcome past challenges from terrorism and radical Islam; always its system has persevered. But now, as Turkish politicians and officials work to defend the Turkish constitution, U.S. diplomats interfere to dismiss Turkish concerns and downplay the Islamist threat."

More:AEI - Short Publications