Friday, September 29, 2006

Turkish navy chief joins other military leaders in warning of growing Islamist threat - iht,europe,Turkey Military Islamism EU - Europe - Internationa

"Turkish navy chief joins other military leaders in warning of growing Islamist threat

ISTANBUL, Turkey Turkey's top naval commander joined other military leaders in speaking out against growing Islamist threats within Turkey, warning Friday that the military would not allow any concessions over the principle of secularism.

Admiral Yener Karahanoglu's remarks, like those of the land forces commander earlier in the week, appeared targeted both at the Islamic-rooted government of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and at the EU, which has insisted that the military lower its profile in state affairs."

More:Turkish navy chief joins other military leaders in warning of growing Islamist threat - iht,europe,Turkey Military Islamism EU - Europe - International Herald Tribune