Tuesday, September 19, 2006

..:: ABHABER.COM : Chair of European Parliament Turkey delegation to attend Shafak trial

"Chair of European Parliament Turkey delegation to attend Shafak trial

Brussels, 19 September 2006 - Dutch Green MEP Joost Lagendijk, chair of the Turkey delegation in the European Parliament, will travel to Istanbul to attend the trial of writer Elif Shafak on Thursday, 21 September. Lagendijk strongly hopes that the Turkish court will reject the charge against Shafak.

Shafak is accused of insulting ´Turkishness´ in her new novel The Bastard of Istanbul, under controversial Article 301 of Turkey's revised penal code. The nationalist lawyer Kemel Kerincisz filed a complaint in Istanbul's Beyoglu district court against Shafak. Last year, Kerincisz also started cases against Mr Lagendijk himself and the writer Ohran Pamuk. "

More:..:: ABHABER.COM ::..