Wednesday, August 23, 2006

How strong is this allergy to Bush?

"How strong is this allergy to Bush?

What links Mehmed VI and Abdul Mejid II in the 1920s and the secret flight of Iraqi Air Force planes in 1991 to voting patterns in Gujarat?

Mehmed VI was the last Sultan of Turkey, reigning from 1918 to 1922. Having already lost its European territories, the Ottoman Empire was stripped of its Arab lands too by the Treaty of Sevres.

This was too much to bear for a section of Indian Muslims, since the Sultan was ex officio Caliph of Islam. A movement began to force Britain into restoring Mehmed VI's empire in its original form, known to us as the Khilafat Agitation and warmly supported by the Congress at Mahatma Gandhi's advice. "

More:How strong is this allergy to Bush?