Thursday, August 10, 2006

APA-Turkish former Foreign Minister: No Turkish government will take any step concerning Armenia without consulting with Azerbaijan

"Turkish former Foreign Minister: No Turkish government will take any step concerning Armenia without consulting with Azerbaijan

[ 10 Aug. 2006 15:13 ]

Abdullah Gul government’s foreign minister Yashar Yakish’s exclusive interview to APA’s Turkey bureau.

Dossier: Yashar Yakish was born in Akchakoja district in Turkey. He graduated from Ankara University, faculty of political sciences in 1962 and started working at the Foreign Ministry on the same year. Mr.Yakish worked in Turkish embassies in Lagos, Rome and Aleppo as well as in Turkish permanent representation to NATO in different years. He was appointed ambassador to Saudi Arabia in 1988 and then ambassador to Egypt and UN office in Vienna. Yakish was adviser on economic affairs at the Foreign Ministry in 1992-1995 and retired on a pension in 2001. He is one of the founders of the current ruling Justice and Development Party. Yakish was elected parliament member from Duzja in 2002, and was Foreign Minister in the 58th Abdullah Gul government. "
