Saturday, July 22, 2006

The New Anatolian-This is why the US is losing its credibility …

"This is why the US is losing its credibility …
Ilnur Cevik
22 July 2006

The Israeli offensive against Lebanon is now in its 10th day and there are no prospects that it will stop any time in the near future. As a matter of fact there are signs that the offensive will turn into an occupation of at least some parts of Lebanon.

Until now the U.S. has given its approval to the offensive, much to the anger of world public opinion. The Israelis say this is an act of self-defense to dislodge Hezbollah, which captured two Israeli soldiers. But what has been going on for the past 10 days goes well beyond an act of self-defense and has become a naked violation of the sovereignty of Lebanon. It is no different from what Syria has done in Lebanon in the past."

More:The New Anatolian