Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Who, really, are Turkey's untouchables? - Turkish Daily News Jun 21, 2006

"Who, really, are Turkey's untouchables?
Wednesday, June 21, 2006

'Everyone thinks Turkey’s untouchables are its generals. Never underestimate its judges.' This is how this column opened on Aug. 28, 2001. Well, the judges thought the Equilibrium of that dreadful day deserved a suspended 20-month prison sentence for “insulting the judiciary,” a sentence that was later approved by the Court of Appeals. Five years later, it seems, Turkey’s European guardians need to break off with 'ideology' and update themselves with 'reality' if they really want to make the Crescent and Star a more decent place to live. "

More:Who, really, are Turkey's untouchables? - Turkish Daily News Jun 21, 2006