Sunday, June 18, 2006

Independent Online Edition > The world's most remarkable buildings under threat

" The world's most remarkable buildings under threat
Some of the world's most remarkable buildings are under threat - from nature, neglect and man. Catch them while you can, says Harriet O'Brien

8 Mehmed-Pasha Sokolovic Bridge

Built in the 1570s on the main route between Bosnia and Istanbul, the Mehmed-Pasha Sokolovic Bridge, in Bosnia/Herzegovina on the River Drina at Visegrad, is a Balkan icon. It was designed by Kodza Mimar Sinan, one of the greatest architects of the Ottoman empire, and its legendary status was confirmed in Ivo Andric's 1945 novel, The Bridge on the Drina. Its 11 arches have been much restored, particularly after damage in the two world wars."

More:Independent Online Edition > News & Advice