Sunday, June 18, 2006

Can we get used to it? - Turkish Daily News Jun 18, 2006

"Can we get used to it?
Sunday, June 18, 2006

After so many years, quite a number of people might have forgotten the discussions we were having before and after the election of the late Turgut Özal as the eighth president of Turkey. Only six years before that date, we had restored parliamentary democracy in 1983 after suffering the third military intervention of our republican history in September 1980. Özal was a candidate to replace a president who in 1980 had toppled the civilian government of the country and in 1982 had been himself elected to the presidency in a plebiscite that also enacted the much-discussed military-drafted constitution of the country that since then we have been trying to improve and conform with democracy."

More:Can we get used to it? - Turkish Daily News Jun 18, 2006