Monday, May 29, 2006

Hürriyet - Two Turks make it onto German list of "100 important minds" in the country

"Two Turks make it onto German list of '100 important minds' in the country

Two Turks make it onto German list of '100 important minds' in the countryTwo Turkish names grace the list of '100 minds' in Germany which are being hailed this week as promising for Germany's future. The 'Germany, Country of Ideas' campaign was started by former President Horst Kohler, and the list of 100 talented minds was picked out by a jury who decided from a wide category of successful contributors to German life.

The two Turks who made the list are Nina Oger, a tourism leader, and Ali Gungormus, a chef. They and the other 98 'minds' on the list will be introduced to curious Germans at a display to go up in Berlin this week"

More:Hürriyet - Two Turks make it onto German list of "100 important minds" in the country