Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Turkey, Azerbaijan and Armenia: A Triangular Interaction?* -- Part I - Turkish Daily News Apr 25, 2006

"Turkey, Azerbaijan and Armenia: A Triangular Interaction?* -- Part I
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Yuksel Soylemez

Talat Pasha, the Ottoman statesman, prime minister, minister and politician during Union and Progress Party, rule was assassinated in Berlin on March 15, 1921. Tribute was paid to his memory with little fanfare on the 81st anniversary of his death. It was the first time a memorial meeting was organized by way of a scholarly international seminar by the Armenian Studies Center's director, Omer Lutem, a retired ambassador and colleague, at the historic Pera Palace Hotel, where Talat Pasha's memories lie."

More:Turkey, Azerbaijan and Armenia: A Triangular Interaction?* -- Part I - Turkish Daily News Apr 25, 2006