Saturday, April 29, 2006

EUROVISION SONG CONTEST | OIKOTIMES.COM | Cyprus: Annet Artani and Sibel Tuzun sing together on Turkish television show

"Cyprus: Annet Artani and Sibel Tuzun sing together on Turkish television show

Ilias Baltas reporting from Athens (Greece)
source: ATV - photo: Annet Artani website


Annet Artani and Sibel Tuzun were the guest of ATV News in Turkey today. Annet and Sibel apperead toghether live at from the studio and they seemed to get along really well with each other. Annet is the first Eurovision Song Contest representant of Cyprus who visits Turkey as a part of her Eurovision promo-tour.

Annet Artani had the chance to sing her song 'Why Angels Cry' twice during the interview (playback the first time and the second time live), captivating the Turkish audience. Then, it was Sibel Tuzun's turn to sing her Eurovision entry 'Superstar' Sibel Tuzun sang live the Greek version of the song, something that surprised and made Annet Artani and the audience very happy."

More:EUROVISION SONG CONTEST | OIKOTIMES.COM | Cyprus: Annet Artani and Sibel Tuzun sing together on Turkish television show