Thursday, March 30, 2006

The Tophane-i Amire -- an Ottoman building restored for exhibitions - Turkish Daily News Mar 30, 2006

"The Tophane-i Amire -- an Ottoman building restored for exhibitions
Thursday, March 30, 2006
ISTANBUL - Turkish Daily News

An Ottoman building sits on the hillside above the shore stretching from Karaköy to Dolmabahçe. It's remarkable in the sense that it resembles buildings you would expect to find in Istanbul's �old city� near Topkapı Palace or the Covered Bazaar -- definitely out of place. Many Turks don't know anything about the building, and for many years it was simply considered a military installation of some sort. Others made a point of learning that the building had been used as a foundry in which the majority of the Ottoman Empire's cannon were cast. This building is known as the Tophane-i Amire."

More:The Tophane-i Amire -- an Ottoman building restored for exhibitions - Turkish Daily News Mar 30, 2006