Friday, March 24, 2006

Armenia and Armenian News - PanARMENIAN.Net - Normalization of Armenia-Turkey Relations Favorable for Yerevan-Baku Relations

"Normalization of Armenia-Turkey Relations Favorable for Yerevan-Baku Relations
25.03.2006 00:21 GMT+04:00 Print version Send to mail In Russian In Armenian
/PanARMENIAN.Net/ “The normalization of the Armenia-Turkey relations will have a positive impact not only upon the economy and internal political and ideological situation in Armenia but also upon the Armenian-Azerbaijani relations. The more Armenians benefit from the cooperation and good neighbor relations with Turkey the less political forces in Armenia will build the policy of hostility towards Turkey and Azerbaijan,” Azeri political scientist Zardusht Alizade stated in an interview with PanARMENIAN.Net. In his words, in this case those, who specialize in “the eternal Armenian-Turk animosity” in Baku and Turkey, will have to fall silent. "

More:Armenia and Armenian News - PanARMENIAN.Net - Normalization of Armenia-Turkey Relations Favorable for Yerevan-Baku Relations