Friday, February 24, 2006

JURIST - Paper Chase: Torture still practiced in Turkey, says Amnesty

"Torture still practiced in Turkey, says Amnesty
Bernard Hibbitts at 1:55 PM ET

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[JURIST] An Amnesty International spokesman said Thursday in Berlin that torture was still practiced and legally recognized in Turkey [JURIST news archive] despite the latest reform efforts of the Turkish government. Wolfgang Grenz made the statement at the presentation of a new study of 18 cases carried out by a German investigator in October. Grenz said that Turkish courts still sometimes admitted evidence derived by torture and did not look into claims that it had taken place despite Turkey's adherence to the UN Convention Against Torture [text] and new strictures against torture set down by domestic law June 2005. Grenz recommended that torture be better defined and that Turkish interrogators get better training. DPA has more."

More:JURIST - Paper Chase: Torture still practiced in Turkey, says Amnesty