Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Alliance of civilizations or alliance of people? - Turkish Daily News Feb 28, 2006

"Alliance of civilizations or alliance of people?
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Compared to last weekend's official meeting in Qatar, the Algiers meeting was civilian, extremely lively, colorful and passionate.

Cengiz Aktar

Early last week we were in Brussels as part of lobbying activities linked to Istanbul's candidacy as Europe's Capital of Culture for 2010, and we spent the rest of the week in Algiers to participate in a congress titled �North-South Dialog on the Mediterranean.� Objectives and efforts were very similar: To find ways to best revitalize the remarkable cultural heritage of the Mediterranean basin in order to rediscover the art of living together, recreating the Mediterranean as an antidote to the current tensions and showing that geographic borders should not become cultural or political walls."

More:Alliance of civilizations or alliance of people? - Turkish Daily News Feb 28, 2006