Friday, January 27, 2006

Mehmet Ali Birand: This time, the EU should understand Ankara well

"Mehmet Ali Birand: This time, the EU should understand Ankara well

(Turkish Daily News Via Thomson Dialog NewsEdge)I know a lot about international relations.

It's my job. No one takes any prisoners in the international arena. Promises made, past debts and friendship mean nothing. Only interests are important. In Demirel's words, "Yesterday is yesterday and today is today."

Knowing all these facts, I have written the article you're reading now.

My purpose is to reach individuals involved in Turkey-EU relations in the 25 capitals of the union and in Brussels. My intention is to call on them to be realistic and not to take Turkey too lightly."

More:Mehmet Ali Birand: This time, the EU should understand Ankara well