Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Iranians and Turks Won at the Beginning of Great Game's New Round

"Iranians and Turks Won at the Beginning of Great Game's New Round
Ulugbek Djuraev, AIA Central Asian section
Previous part

The year 2005, most likely, will become a defining one for the further rivalry of external forces for the influence in Central Asia. This year, the third round of the modern Great Game has begun in the region. It is absolutely clear, who won the previous two rounds. Now the question is: who will gain the greatest victory of all...

Quindecennial Panorama…

The first stage lasted since the moment the Central Asian republics gained their independence in the summer of 1991, and up to the beginning of counterterrorist operation in Afghanistan in the autumn of 2001. For this period the circle of participants of the Great Game, and their regional interests were defined. The contours of strategic alliances and the tactical unions uniting both the external players with each other, and the external players with the Central Asian countries were charted accordingly. As a result, three camps of participants in the modern Great Game were established. "

Iranians and Turks Won at the Beginning of Great Game's New Round