Monday, December 05, 2005

Tales from the coffeeshop

"Tales from the coffeeshop
By Patroclos

EVEN WHEN they are bickering and exchanging what sound like devastating charges, you cannot take our pitiful politicians seriously. They are just like a bunch of silly, pre-pubescent schoolboys, trying to get each other in trouble by shouting out lies in the hope that a teacher will hear them.

And then, when their small brains tell them that they might all get in trouble they shut up and go and play marbles together. And before anyone writes in to tell me that this is a poor comparison because kids no longer play marbles, I am claiming artistic licence. The ludicrous rusfeti row we witnessed this week was straight out of a school playground.
First, the playground bully, Demetrakis, who is neither the strongest nor smartest kid, but likes to pretend he is because he is the leader of the biggest gang, accused a small gang of stealing all his sweets, which he would give out to younger kids so they would join his gang. He knew this had happened not only because he couldn’t find his sweets, but because all of a sudden the small gang was getting the younger kids to join it."

More:Tales from the coffeeshop