Friday, December 02, 2005

Sufism comes to Nicosia - North gears up for a week of religious and cultural festivities

"Sufism comes to Nicosia - North gears up for a week of religious and cultural festivities
By Simon Bahceli

WITH SUFISM being one of the fastest growing religious/philosophical cults in the West, the upcoming week-long festivities organised by the Rumi Institute in north Nicosia are likely to raise interest both locally and abroad.

Even those unfamiliar with Sufism, will have heard of the Whirling Dervishes. But their dancing is not simply an enchanting visual spectacle: it is steeped in culture, belief and tradition.

The Sufi tradition sprung from the Anatolian city of Konya – a city once the capital of the Selcuk and Ottoman Empires. Its leader and chief inspiration was the poet Jelaluddin Rumi (also known as Mevlana) who hailed originally from Afghanistan and spoke and wrote in Persian."

More:Sufism comes to Nicosia - North gears up for a week of religious and cultural festivities