Tuesday, December 27, 2005

New DVD's - New York Times-The Deathless Devil /Tarkan Versus the Vikings

""The Deathless Devil
Tarkan Versus the Vikings

The 70's were no less extravagant in Turkey, as one learns from the excellent double-feature disc from Mondo Macabro that unites 'The Deathless Devil' (Yilmaz Atadeniz, 1972) with 'Tarkan Versus the Vikings' (Mehmet Aslan, 1971), two delirious examples of Turkish popular cinema that prospered from the mid-60's until 'Star Wars,' with its unapproachable technical sophistication, put an end to local pop entertainments in Turkey as it did in so many other countries. Lifting themes from Turkish comic books, local folk tales and American serials of the 40's, these films offered fever-dream hallucinations of sex, violence and bumptious slapstick, aimed at a rural audience in the years before the Islamic revival."

The 70's were no less extravagant in Turkey, as one learns from the excellent double-feature disc from Mondo Macabro that unites 'The Deathless Devil' (Yilmaz Atadeniz, 1972) with 'Tarkan Versus the Vikings' (Mehmet Aslan, 1971), two delirious examples of Turkish popular cinema that prospered from the mid-60's until 'Star Wars,' with its unapproachable technical sophistication, put an end to local pop entertainments in Turkey as it did in so many other countries. Lifting themes from Turkish comic books, local folk tales and American serials of the 40's, these films offered fever-dream hallucinations of sex, violence and bumptious slapstick, aimed at a rural audience in the years before the Islamic revival."

More:New DVD's - New York Times