Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Guardian Unlimited Politics | Comment | European elites can't ignore the views of their peoples

"European elites can't ignore the views of their peoples

Opening the door to Turkey was right, but EU expansion is bound to fail if the dreamers ignore the majority

Jonathan Freedland
Wednesday October 5, 2005
The Guardian

One of the least noticed political deaths of recent times was the demise of Britain in Europe. Launched with great hoopla in 1999, at a glossy event attended by Tony Blair, Charles Kennedy and the Tory titans Ken Clarke and Michael Heseltine - a gesture for which Clarke may yet pay a high price - the organisation was quietly put to sleep in August. Cause of death: the no votes in France and the Netherlands, which sealed the fate of the European constitution. 'Campaign operations have ceased because there is no campaign,' says a spokesman, still manning the phones in what used to be HQ."

More:Guardian Unlimited Politics | Comment | European elites can't ignore the views of their peoples